Mar 23, 2023 Finland Relocation Services

True or false? 10 myths about international recruitment

True or false 10 myths about international recruitment

There are persistent myths about recruiting from abroad. Let’s correct the most common misconceptions!

Myth 1: “Companies don’t need foreign employees”

International recruitment expands the chances of talent acquisition. Hiring foreign experts helps the company grow internationally, and going international also benefits the work community.

Working with a wide variety of people in a community means a wide range of perspectives, which increases creativity and leads to better results.” VP HR, UPM

Read more: Reasons to hire from abroad

Myth 2: “Recruiting from abroad is slow”

Not necessarily! The Finnish Immigration Service’s queues and long processing times for residence permits have been widely discussed in the media. An expert can help you complete the forms correctly and quickly with all the necessary attachments.

FRS customers usually receive residence permits even below the target time. It is also good to remember that recruitment from within the EU is even faster.

Hiring a foreigner does not necessarily take significantly longer than hiring from Finland. Recruiting globally may be faster than limiting the search to Finland, and may lead to finding a suitable candidate more quickly.

In addition to immigration, relocation services speed up the settling-in process. With smoother immigration procedures, new employees can focus on their work from the very beginning.

Myth 3: “Recruiting from abroad is expensive”

International recruitment can be more expensive in terms of direct costs if it’s not yet a routine for the company. However, affordable and clearly budgeted expert assistance is available. Moreover, companies should consider opportunity costs. What will be the cost if a suitable candidate cannot be found when the recruitment is limited to Finland? Outsourcing the services of international recruitment and relocations saves time for the human resource department and hiring manager. Recruitment agency and relocation service provider makes the talent acquisition process easy and hassle-free. 

Myth 4: “The administrative burden increases”

The employer has obligations related to hiring foreigners, such as ensuring the right to work and storing residence permit information. However, responsibilities can be outsourced safely and easily to a relocation company, which handles the compliances. 

Myth 5: “Hiring a foreigner is difficult”

International recruitment is not particularly difficult, especially if you plan the recruitment process correctly. Relocation services make immigration and settling in easier. The relocation professional handles the employee's immigration process, registrations, finding a home and school, and settling in for the employer to make it easy to start work in Finland.

Myth 6: “Foreign employees don’t integrate well”

Numerous studies have debunked this myth. In fact, diverse teams tend to perform better and produce more innovative ideas. Additionally, foreign employees often bring new skills and knowledge that can benefit the company and the work community.

Having a diverse workforce is not only about ticking the box, but it is the key to having a successful organization. It brings new ways of thinking and different perspectives to the table. The mix of people from different cultures and backgrounds increases creativity and innovation.

Myth 7: “Foreign employees don’t stay long”

While some foreign employees may only stay for a limited time, many are willing to commit to a long-term position. In fact, research suggests that international employees who feel valued and supported by their employer are more likely to stay with the company in the long run.

“By investing in international employees, we are investing in our company’s future. When employees feel valued and integrated, they are more likely to stay with us for a longer time, which benefits us and them.” CEO, Engineering

Myth 8: “Language barriers are too difficult to overcome”

Language barriers can be a challenge, but they are not impossible. Many foreign employees are fluent in English and are willing to learn the local language. Employers can also provide language training to help employees integrate and communicate effectively with their colleagues.

Myth 9: “Foreign employees take jobs away from locals”

International recruitment is not about replacing local talent. It’s about expanding the talent pool and finding the best candidate for the job, regardless of their citizenship. Foreign employees often bring unique skills and perspectives that can benefit the company and the local community.

Myth 10: “Recruiting from abroad is risky”

Recruiting from abroad does come with some risks, such as cultural differences and unfamiliar regulations. However, these risks can be mitigated with the help of an experienced relocation company. Additionally, many international employees are highly motivated to succeed in their new position and are willing to adapt to new cultures and working methods.

In conclusion, international recruitment is not as difficult, expensive, or risky as some may think. By expanding the talent pool and embracing diversity, companies can find the best talent and grow internationally. With the help of relocation services, the administrative burden and settling-in process can be streamlined, allowing new employees to focus on their work from day one. So why limit your search to Finland when the world is full of talented professionals waiting to be discovered?

Do you need help relocating foreign experts to Finland? At FRS, we have helped more than 30,000 foreign employees to relocate since 1994. Our services are used by companies of all sizes, regardless of industry. Feel free to contact us!

Published by Finland Relocation Services March 23, 2023
Finland Relocation Services