Privacy Policy

Customers’ Data Protection Statement

  1. Introduction

At Finland Relocation Services, the protection of your privacy is important. You can trust us to process your personal data carefully and transparently, respecting your right to privacy. We abide by the General Data Protection Regulation and other data protection legislation when processing your personal data.

The purpose of this Data Protection Statement is to give you information on how we collect, process, and protect your personal data.

  1. Contact information

Finland Relocation Services Oy Ab Ltd
Business ID 0969875-9

  1. Data types and purpose of processing

We collect and process your personal data to provide the relocation services. Often Finland Relocation Services (‘FRS’) is in the role of data processor, and we process the personal data of our customers on behalf of a controller. In certain situations, FRS is in the role of the data controller.

We follow the principle of minimization of data, and the data we process can vary in different situations. Below is a list of the types of personal data we process for each purpose.


  • name

  • e-mail address

  • phone number

  • employer

Booking temporary accommodation

  • name

  • e-mail address

  • phone number

Immigration Services, local registrations, and opening banking services

  • name

  • home address

  • address in Finland

  • e-mail address

  • phone number

  • citizenship

  • birthdate

  • birthplace

  • personal identity number

  • gender

  • profession

  • education history

  • relationship status/information related to marriage/information related to family

  • income and wealth information

  • information related to work

  • information related to immigration (e.g. date of arrival)

  • taxation number (when applying for Finnish tax card)

  • mother tongue

  • other needed sensitive information

Home search and housing utilities

  • name

  • e-mail address

  • phone number

  • address

  • personal identity number

  • passport number/copy (in certain situations)

  • citizenship

  • information related to family (the number of inhabitants)

  • income and wealth information

  • information related to work

  • tenancy agreement

School Search

  • name (parents)

  • phone number (parents)

  • e-mail address (parents)

  • address

  • language skills (children)

  • education history (children)

Departure service

  • name

  • phone number

  • e-mail address

  • address

  • personal identity number

In addition to the above, we might need to process other personal data in our Orientation and Spouse Support -services.

When a customer’s spouse or/and children relocate with the customer at the same time, we also process the needed data of them.

Part of the processed personal data may be categorized as special categories of personal data. Special categories of personal data are data that include e.g. information related to ethnic origin, religious belief, or data concerning health. We will process special categories of personal data extra carefully and won’t transfer it to third parties without your permission.

  1. Legal basis

Data protection legislation requires that the processing of personal data is based on the legal bases included in the GDPR.

Processing of personal data at FRS is based on consent and legitimate interest. For example, relocation services such as local registrations and opening banking services are based on consent. Internal communication and customer experience surveys are examples of processing based on legitimate interest.

  1. Transfers and disclosures

We process personal data confidentially, and we never sell, rent, or otherwise needlessly disclose your personal data to external parties.

5.1. Data disclosure of personal data

Data disclosure is a situation where the data controller or processor gives personal data to a third party to use for their purposes. We disclose customers’ personal data to the third parties listed below:

  • Authorities (e.g. Finnish Immigration Services)

  • Accommodation providers

  • Realtors and lessors

  • Banks and insurance companies

  • Electricity, Energy, and internet providers

  • Schools and kindergartens

  • Moving and cleaning companies

In certain situations, we might disclose personal data to the other companies in the Bravedo group as well. The ordered relocation services vary, meaning the data transfers also vary. Your personal data is transferred only to necessary third parties, and only the minimum amount of data will be transferred.

5.2. Disclosure of personal data

Personal data disclosure is a situation where the data controller or processor reveals personal data to a third party without the third party processing it according to their purposes. FRS uses third-party service providers to process personal data to provide the relocation services.

5.3. Transfers and disclosures outside EU/EEA

Some of our service providers stores and processes our customers’ personal data outside the EU/EEA, and personal data might be transferred to the U.S. We have ensured that the service providers we use are committed to ensuring an adequate level of data protection in all processing activities.

  1. Technical and organizational measures

We protect your personal data against loss, unauthorized access, and another misuse with appropriate technical and organizational measures. Examples of such measures include firewalls, encryption techniques, backup copies, and safe data rooms.

  1. Automated decision-making

Automated decision-making refers to decisions made fully automatically, for example, based on an algorithm. The processing of your personal data at FRS does not include automated decision-making.

  1. Retention times

We store your personal data only as long as necessary for the purpose of data processing.

After the retention time has ended, your personal data is either deleted or changed to an unidentifiable form.

Personal data related to relocation services are retained for 5 years, starting from when it was collected.

  1. Data subject rights

9.1. Right to be informed

You have the right to be informed about the processing of your personal data in a concise, transparent, accessible, and clear form.

The purpose of this data protection statement is to address the right to be informed and help you to understand how and why we process your personal data. If you have further questions after reading this notice, you can contact us.

9.2. Right to access

You have the right to get confirmation of what personal data we process concerning you. Thereby, you can evaluate and confirm that the data is processed lawfully. Additionally, you have the right to ask for and receive a copy of the personal data we process. Instructions for requesting a copy of your data can be found in the section “Exercising data subject rights”.

9.3. Right to rectification

The accuracy of your personal data is part of your legal protection. Our goal is to maintain your personal data in a current and accurate form. You have the right to demand the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and the completion of insufficient personal data.

9.4. Right to erasure and to be forgotten

You have the right to be forgotten and to have your personal data erased entirely. This right exists; for example, if the processing was based on consent and you withdraw the consent, the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected, or the personal data has been processed unlawfully.

9.5. Right to withdraw consent

When your personal data is processed based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you withdraw your consent, the processing of personal data will not be continued unless another legal basis requires it. If you gave us consent to process your underage child’s personal data, he/she could withdraw the consent after turning 18. Consent can be withdrawn by contacting us.

9.6. Right to restrict processing

The restriction of processing means that, in addition to storage, the personal data subject to the restriction can only be processed

  • with your consent,

  • for the establishment, exercise of defense of legal claims,

  • for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person, or

  • for the reasons of important public interests of the Union or a Member State.

The right exists in the following situations:

  • The data subject contests the accuracy of the personal data. In such cases, the processing will be restricted for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data.

  • The processing is unlawful, but the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of its use instead.

  • The controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but it is required by the data controller for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

  • The data subject has objected to the processing of the personal data and is awaiting verification on whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject

9.7. Right to data portability

In certain situations, you have the right to receive the personal data you provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and, if desired, transmit that data to another controller. This right exists when we process your personal data based on consent or contract, and the data processing is digital in nature.

9.8. Right to object data processing

In certain situations, you have the right to object to data processing by requesting that your data will not be processed. If the data is processed for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest, in the exercise of official authority, or for the purposes of the compelling legitimate interests pursued by a third party or us, you have the right to object to the processing on grounds relating to your particular situation.

In such cases, the processing must be stopped unless

  • the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights, and freedoms of the data subject, or

  • the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims

9.9. Right to file a complaint to a supervisory authority

In addition to the rights mentioned previously, you have a right to file a complaint to a supervisory authority if you believe that our privacy practices do not follow the General Data Protection Regulation. A complaint can be filed, for example, if the rights described in this notice are not implemented appropriately. In Finland, the supervisory authority is the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman.

10 Exercising data subject rights

If you have questions regarding the aforementioned rights or, wish to examine your personal data, or otherwise exercise your rights, please send an email to

Exercising your rights is generally free of charge. In certain situations defined by law, for example, if you request multiple copies of your personal data, we may request a fee equivalent to the cost of implementing your request beforehand.

We respond to all requests without undue delay, at the latest one month after the request has been received. We will inform you about the measures we have taken to complete your request. If we have to decline your request, we will inform you about the refusal and reasoning for it one month after the request has been received. If you want to file a complaint to the supervisory authority, more information can be found on the website of the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman.

Updates to the statement

We continuously improve our privacy practices, which is why this privacy notice will also be updated occasionally. Updates may be due to changes in legislation. We recommend that you revisit this page to be informed about any possible changes.


March 2023

Publishing a new website and a new, more comprehensive data protection statement.